

June 29, 2022

Process Model #



  • Browser Process

    Controls “chrome” part of the application including address bar, bookmarks, back and forward buttons. Also handles the invisible, privileged parts of a web browser such as network requests and file access. 浏览器 ui 部分,地址栏,书签等;网络请求,文件访问等

  • Renderer Process 每个 tab 一个 renderer process,控制当前显示的 tab 内的一切


  • GPU Process 处理 GPU 绘制人物

  • Plugin Process 控制当前页面使用的所有插件,例如 flash

  • Utility Process

  • Extension Process 控制当前页面使用的所有插件,例如 flash


  • 稳定性,一个 tab 失去响应不会影响另一个 tab
  • 安全性,进程间资源隔离


Rendering 1 #

Rendering: HTML -> pixels

Rendering engine2 #

用于渲染 web pages

A rendering engine is a software that:

  • Implements the specs of the web platform

    实现 web 平台的规范

  • Carries out the critical rendering path


  • Embeds the JavaScript engine

常见的渲染引擎:Blink (Chrome), Gecko (Mozilla) and WebKit (Apple)

critical rendering path #

  • Parses the HTML and starts building the Document Object Model (DOM) 构建 DOM 树
  • Requests external resources (stylesheets, scripts, images, etc.) 请求外部资源
  • Parses the styles and builds the CSS Object Model (CSSOM) 构建 CSSOM
  • Computes styles for the visible nodes in the DOM tree and creates a render tree that contains the computed styles 构建 Render Tree
  • Determines the visual geometry (width, height and position) of the elements based on the viewport size (and orientation for mobile devices) 计算宽高位置等
  • Paints the pixels on the screen 绘制


Render Pipeline #

Layout #

又可称之为 Reflow

计算元素的几何尺寸,坐标位置,更改 width, height, position 等属性会 relayout,比较耗时

Forced reflow3 #

invalidates the Render Tree and forces a reflow

const element = document.getElementById('modal-container');

element.classList.add('width-adjust'); // 1. invalidate Layout Tree
element.getBoundingClientRect(); // 2. force a synchronous reflow. This can be SLOW!

尽量避免同步 reflow

Paint #

将 render tree 绘制到页面上

绘制像素,更改 box-shadow, background-color, text-color 等属性会 repaint

Render tree #

Each node typically references a DOM node and a Computed Style

Main thread4 #


  1. HTML, CSS 解析

  2. 用户事件响应(e.g. click)

  3. js 代码执行

  4. 接受网络数据

  5. render steps ( style, layout, paint )

    render steps 结束后,得到一帧 Frame

Worker thread #

用于分担 CPU 密集型的计算任务

Task queue #

任务队列,主线程繁忙时,task 进入到这里

Pre-rendering #

预渲染, 包括 SSG 和 SSR


static site generation,构建时生成 html,适用于静态页场景


Server Side Render,在 http 请求时生成 html


Client Side Render



仅针对变动的 page 进行构建,而不是全量构建

参考 #